How to set up your Scheduling+ account

When your provider sets up your Scheduling+ account, a verification email will be sent to your email inbox.

Once your provider lets you know, these are the steps you will need to follow:

  1. Go to your email inbox.
  2. Open the verification email from Timify.
  3. Click the 'Verify your email' button. This step must be completed within 24 hours after you receive the email.
    Scheduling Step 7.png

  4. This will open a new window, prompting you to create a password for the Timify app.
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  5. Create a password and click the ‘Confirm’ button. These will be your login credentials going forward, so make sure to save them.

  6. Once you have completed this step, you will be redirected to the Timify app, where you can set up your Services and Resources.
    • Services are events that can be booked by site visitors.
    • Resources are people or equipment related to those services. A resource could, for example, be a hairdresser or a meeting room.
      Scheduling Step 9 - 2.png

  7. You can also log in to the Timify app by navigating to the Editor of your site > Products > Scheduling+ using the login credentials you set up in this step.


Opening the Timify app from the Editor

  1. From the Editor, go to 'Products' > Scheduling+.
  2. The Scheduling+ account page will open in a new tab.
  3. Log in with the credentials from the previous step.


View, manage or add a service

Services are the types of appointments which site visitors can book. A service could be:

  • a hairdressing appointment
  • a doctor's appointment
  • a client meeting

Once set up, these services can be booked through the Scheduling+ module directly on your website.

  1. From the Timify app, click on Management > Services in the left navigation.
    Scheduling Step 10.png

  2. To add a new service, click the plus icon next to My Services.
    Scheduling Step 11.png

  3. This will prompt an overlay, where you can create your service. Here, you can define the title, description, time duration, resource and more.Scheduling Step 12.png
  4. The resource refers to the person or equipment needed for the service. For example, if the service is a haircut, the resource could be a hairdresser. Please note that you need to define the available times for the resource (explained in the next section) for the service to be bookable.
    Scheduling Step 12 2.png
  5. To edit or delete an existing service, click on the service, then use the Edit icon or Bin icon in the top right corner of that service, to either edit or delete.
    Scheduling Step 13.png


View, manage or add a resource

A resource is the person or equipment associated with the appointment.

A resource could be a:

  • Hairdresser
  • Doctor
  • meeting room

For example, a hair salon with 3 hairdressers would need 3 resources in their Scheduling+ plan.

  1. From the Timify app, click on Management > Resources in the left navigation.
    Scheduling Step 14.png

  2. You will see your resources. The name of the first resource will be auto-filled based on your first and last name that you originally shared with your provider when your account was set up. Please note, you can only add up to the number of resources included in your subscription.

  3. To edit a resource, click the circular icon of that resource. Let’s edit JaneDoe as an example.
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  4. Clicking the resource opens a new overlay. Click the red Pen icon in the top right corner to edit the resource.
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  5. Here, you can edit name, image, and more for this resource. If it’s a new resource, you can also invite them via email, so they can have their own account and manage their own appointments.

  6. It is especially important that you define Working and Online Booking Times, as services can only be booked if the associated resources are available.
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Timify's help centre

For more information about how to manage services and resources in your Timify account, please visit the Timify help centre here.


How to add Scheduling+ to your website

Now we need to add the bookable services to your website.

Your provider may do this for you, or if you need to edit your website on your own, here is some information on how to do this step.

In short, you need to add a Scheduling+ module on the website, and connect it via the Account ID from the Timify app.

Here is how:


Find your Account ID

  1. Start from within the Timify app
  2. Go to Account in the left navigation
  3. This will open an overlay with Account Details
  4. Copy the Account ID number
    Scheduling Step 19.png


Add a Scheduling+ module and insert Account ID

  1. Go back to the Editor of your website
  2. Add a Scheduling+ module
    Scheduling Step 20.png
  3. When you add the Scheduling+ module, a button will appear. An overlay will open, so you can edit this button.
  4. The Scheduling+ module will have an empty field called Timify account ID.Scheduling Step 21.png
  5. Copy the Account ID from before into this field and click Save. 
  6. Save the changes to the button and Publish the website


Test the booking flow

When you click the Scheduling+ button from the live website, you will now be presented with an overlay with the services you set up in the Timify app.
Scheduling Step 22.png

Here the site visitor can choose an event, a time, and then they will be prompted for their information to finalise the booking.
Scheduling Step 23.png

Before confirming the booking, they get a booking summary.

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Once the booking has been confirmed, the site visitor and you will receive confirmation emails.

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The booking will also appear in your Timify app calendar.

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