Use the Map module to highlight your business location to visitors. You can add a Map module by selecting Map under the category Company information in the Add module overlay.



Hover the module and click on Content, Design or Settings on the dropdown to edit the module. 


  How many Map modules can I add per page?

To make sure that maps load quickly and smoothly, don't use more than one Map module per page.



The Map module will by default use the address from your Global Data business information.

To include a different address than your Global Data address, manually type in the full address or use longitude and latitude coordinates.

Example of latitude/longitude coordinates: 55.69888136, 12.53247896


You have the option of including multiple address pins on your map. To include a second address, use the field Additional address or latitude/longitude. Add even more addresses by separating them with a vertical bar (|).


  If the second address isn't visible

If you've added two addresses to your map but the second address isn't visible, remember to adjust the zoom level (in Settings) of the map.  

You can switch to using Google Maps data on your Map module if you have a Google Maps license. Toggle Use Google Maps and paste your Google Maps API key to activate the feature.

  Google Maps

To obtain a Google Maps API key you must acquire a license from Google to use their maps services.



The Design section is where you change general design such as background, border and spacing of your Map module. You can also set the height, width and style of your map. 

The height is based on pixels with the max. height being 500px. Use the slider or type in your desired height in the field. 

The width is displayed as a percentage of the column width. 100% width means that the Map module spans the entire column. Use the slider or type in your desired width percentage in the field.

When styling your map, you can choose between one of the following five style presets:

  • Default
  • Black & White
  • BlueWater
  • Natural Blue 
  • Light Monochrome 




In Settings you can change the zoom level and disable the "Get directions" feature on the map. 

The zoom level indicates how zoomed in or out your map should be by default - be aware that visitors are able to zoom in and out manually on the module. The zoom level ranges from 2-21 where 2 is zoomed all out and 21 is zoomed all in. The most typical zoom levels are 9-13, as illustrated below. 


If you disable directions on your map, visitors won't be able to get directions to the address pinned on the map directly via the module.

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