The Navigation module is your website's menu and enables visitors to move between pages. You can only have one navigation added at a time on your website. You can add a Navigation module by selecting Navigation under the category Page navigation in the Add module overlay.
This is a header and footer-only module
The Navigation module can only be inserted in the header or footer of your website and you will therefore not be able to select it from the Add modulemenu anywhere else on your website.
Apart from aligning your navigation left, right or centre you can also adjust the following:
- Float: use this feature for wrapping text around your website's menu. You can float the menu to the left or the right.
- Slide direction: in case you've enabled hamburger menu, it's possible to decide whether the page tree overview should slide from the right or left once someone clicks on the hamburger menu icon.
- Spacing: adjust the amount of spacing between the module and it's frame (padding) and outside of the module (margin).
Enable hamburger menu icon: tick the box in order to collapse your navigation into a hamburger menu.
Push content when menu slides in: with this option disabled, when the menu slides, it covers the right or left side of the page. When this option is enabled, when the menu slides, it pushes the existing page to the right or left.
Show parent link as active: if enabled, when a visitor is on a subpage, the top-level page will also be shown as active. For example, imagine the following page structure: Contact > Booking info. When the visitor is on the Booking info page, the Contact page will be shown as active on the navigation menu.
Multiple navigations
You can have more than one Navigation module in your header and footer at the same time. It may be helpful for visitors to encounter a website navigation in the footer of a website so they can easily move to another page after having scrolled down the current page.