Categorize your blog posts using tags

Add tags to your blog posts to be able to organize them on your website. You can set up your Blog catalog module to only display posts that have specific tags in order to ensure that only relevant content is shown.


Add new tag

To create a new tag, click on Tags in the left-side menu.


Click the Add new tag button and type in the name of your tag in the field. By default, tags will be saved in lower case letters. If you're creating multi-word tags, the system will automatically add hyphens (-) between each word.

  Are tags visible to visitors?

Tags are used purely for the purpose of helping you organize and display your blog posts. Visitors will never see the actual tags anywhere on the website.


Tag your blog posts

Once you've created tags you can start adding them on your blog posts. Open up a blog post and scroll down to the Tags section. Click in the input field and select one or more of your tags to add to the post.



Display blog posts on your website based on tags

You can set up a Blog catalog module to show only the blog posts that have a specific tag on them. Read more about configuring the Blog catalog module here.

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