Get an overview of the different On-Site Engagement types and what content each engagement contains. For a step by step guide on how to create a new On-Site Engagement, click here.



1. Sticky On-Site Engagements 

The sticky On-Site Engagements are static and always visible on your website. In other words, they "stick" on your website. They are placed at the left or right side of your website and they'll expand once a visitor hovers on them. Sticky engagements are great for encouraging call-to-actions such as call, email, link or contact form. The sticky engagements can be placed at the bottom right, bottom left, top right or top left of the website.


(Sticky) Click to call/email

The sticky click to call/email engagement includes an icon, a title and an email or phone that visitors can contact you through.



(Sticky) Link to page

The sticky link to page engagement includes an icon, a title and a link to an internal page or an external URL.



(Sticky) Contact form

The sticky contact form includes an icon, a title, an email recipient, a submit button label and a thank you message. In addition, you can require visitors to consent to having read your privacy policy before they submit the form.


  Spam protection

For improved spam protection, you can add an invisible reCAPTCHA validation on this engagement type which assesses whether a form submission is deemed to come from a human or a robot. In case a robot is suspected, the visitor will need to complete an "I am not a robot" validation in order to submit the form. Set up invisible spam protection under On-Site Engagements -> Engagement settings.


2. Regular On-Site Engagements

Regular On-Site Engagements appear as pop-up overlays on your website with animated entrances. These types of engagements grab the visitor's attention right away as they are placed on top of the website content in a separate layer. Regular engagements can be displayed as a centered pop-up overlay, a top or bottom thin bar, or a small corner box (some engagements don't have all three display options available).

  Keep your message short and sweet

When writing a text for your On-Site Engagement, keep in mind that it's supposed to convey a brief and concise message to the visitor. Wordy paragraphs are usually better suited for other parts of your website. As a general rule, we recommend to keep texts to a maximum of 200 characters. If an On-Site Engagement contains many lines of text, a scroll bar will automatically be added on it.


Simple message without button

The simple message without button is a simple On-Site Engagement that only includes a headline and a body text.



Simple message with button

The simple message with button is a promotional On-Site Engagement that includes a headline, a body text and a button (call-to-action). The button can direct the visitor to an internal page, an external URL, a file, or an email.



Click to call

The click to call message type is a promotional On-Site Engagement including a headline, a body text and a button connected to a phone number (call-to-action). When a visitor clicks on the button, their default call application will open and dial the specified number.



Submit a contact form

The submit a contact form message enables visitors to submit a simple form to a specified email address. This On-Site Engagement includes a headline, a body text, a receiver email (that submitted data is sent to), a submit button and a thank you message. You also have the option to save submitted form data to Customers. Type in the name of the form that you wish the data to be collected under. 

In addition, you can require visitors to consent to having read your privacy policy before they submit the form.


  Spam protection

For improved spam protection, you can add an invisible reCAPTCHA validation on this engagement type which assesses whether a form submission is deemed to come from a human or a robot. In case a robot is suspected, the visitor will need to complete an "I am not a robot" validation in order to submit the form. Set up invisible spam protection under On-Site Engagements -> Engagement settings.


Download a file

The download a file engagement includes a headline, a body text and a button. When visitors click the button, they'll download the file you have uploaded.



Show location on map

The show location on map is a promotional On-Site Engagement that includes a headline and one or several street addresses that get pinned on the map. You can also select what default zoom level you want for the map on your engagement. Visitors can always zoom in and out on the map by scrolling or clicking the + and - symbols.



Sign up to a newsletter

With the sign up to a newsletter engagement, you can automatically add visitors to one or more of your groups in Customers, enabling you to send out targeted newsletters or email campaigns to them later on. This On-Site Engagement type includes a headline, a body text, a submit button and a thank you message. You also have the option to save submitted form data to Customers. Type in the name of the form that you wish the data to be collected under. 

In addition, you can require visitors to consent to having read your privacy policy before they submit the form.

User experience: the newsletter form includes the following fields: first name, last name and email, as well as the privacy policy consent tick box. When a user clicks the submit button, they will automatically be added to the specified group in Customers.


  Spam protection

For improved spam protection, you can add an invisible reCAPTCHA validation on this engagement type which assesses whether a form submission is deemed to come from a human or a robot. In case a robot is suspected, the visitor will need to complete an "I am not a robot" validation in order to submit the form. Set up invisible spam protection under On-Site Engagements -> Engagement settings.


Send to a friend

The send to a friend engagement includes a headline, a body text and a button.

User experience: the form automatically includes the following fields with pre-defined labels: name, email and the friend's email. An email will be sent to the friend's email with the following message: [Your Name] recommended you the following site: [link]. These texts are pre-configured and cannot be modified.



Share to social networks

The share to social networks engagement includes a headline.

User experience: the following social icons are automatically added on the engagement: Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Clicking any of the icons allows visitors to share the website URL on the relevant social platform.


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